Ho sempre avuto la percezione che i giocattoli antichi, e soprattutto le bambole, custodiscano tanti segreti meravigliosi, silenziosamente acquisiti durante gli anni, e i secoli...
La mia particolare predilezione per le bambole di porcellana è dettata da alcune peculiarità esclusive di queste delicate creature: amo le loro gote rosate, le labbra chiuse, gli occhi e i capelli dipinti, i loro abiti che le fanno assomigliare a piccole donne col viso da bambine, piuttosto che il contrario.
Queste caratteristiche sono ricorrenti, e contraddistinguono le bambole di porcellana tedesche, dalle bambole francesi in bisquit (occhi mobili, di vetro; bocca aperta che mostra i denti; capelli veri; corpo e vestiti da bambini).
La deliziosa bambola che vi presento oggi è uno splendido esempio della delicatezza di questi visi: l'ho chiamata Mrs Dalloway perchè adoro la figura femminile creata dalla penna di Virginia Wolf, nonostante questa bambola fosse già antica quando il romanzo uscì, nel 1925.
Proviene da una vendita all'asta tenutasi a Morgantown, West Virginia, un paio di anni fa: di lei si sa solo che è appartenuta alla stessa persona per molti anni...
I can not say exactly when it started to grow my passion for antique dolls, probably since childhood, such as for the dollhouse.
I always had the perception that the old toys, especially dolls, holds many wonderful secrets, quietly acquired over the years and centuries ...
My particular fondness for china dolls is dictated by some unique features of these delicate creatures: I love their cheeks rosy, her lips closed, painted eyes and hair, their clothes that make them look like women with small faces as little girls, rather than the reverse.
These features are recurrent, and distinguish the German china dolls, from French bisque dolls (moving eyes, glass, open mouth showing teeth, real hair, body and clothes as a child).
The lovely doll that I am presenting today is a splendid example of the delicate nature of these faces: I called her Mrs. Dalloway because I love the feminine figure created from the pen of Virginia Wolf, despite this doll was already old when the novel came out in 1925.
It comes from an auction held in Morgantown, West Virginia, a couple of years ago; of her past life we only know which belonged to the same person for many years...
I always had the perception that the old toys, especially dolls, holds many wonderful secrets, quietly acquired over the years and centuries ...
My particular fondness for china dolls is dictated by some unique features of these delicate creatures: I love their cheeks rosy, her lips closed, painted eyes and hair, their clothes that make them look like women with small faces as little girls, rather than the reverse.
These features are recurrent, and distinguish the German china dolls, from French bisque dolls (moving eyes, glass, open mouth showing teeth, real hair, body and clothes as a child).
The lovely doll that I am presenting today is a splendid example of the delicate nature of these faces: I called her Mrs. Dalloway because I love the feminine figure created from the pen of Virginia Wolf, despite this doll was already old when the novel came out in 1925.
It comes from an auction held in Morgantown, West Virginia, a couple of years ago; of her past life we only know which belonged to the same person for many years...
Questa bambola è di grandi dimensioni, 43 cm. (17 inch) e non indossa biancheria intima (per cui io sto cercando su ebay sottogonna e mutandoni, almeno...).
Indossa però un bellissimo due pezzi, formato da casacca di cotone ecrù, con collo, e polsini di pizzo; e una gonna di cotone, doppiata in tulle ricamato.
The head is definitely dated to 1870 (cause the style of hair is Dolly Madison), the body seems to be replaced, as the dress, however, both dating to the early '900.
This doll is large, 43 cm. (17 inch) and not wearing underwear (so I'm looking on ebay petticoat and bloomers, at least ...).
But wearing a beautiful two-piece, made of ecru cotton blouse, with lace collar and cuffs, and a cotton skirt, dubbed with embroidered tulle.
This doll is large, 43 cm. (17 inch) and not wearing underwear (so I'm looking on ebay petticoat and bloomers, at least ...).
But wearing a beautiful two-piece, made of ecru cotton blouse, with lace collar and cuffs, and a cotton skirt, dubbed with embroidered tulle.
So che molti di voi non provano particolare simpatia per le bambole antiche: io, invece, vi invito adesso a guardarle con occhi diversi, e pensare a quanta stanchezza provocano in noi il chiasso e la frenesia della vita moderna, in cui tutti parlano e nessuno ha nulla da dire...
Forse comincerete anche voi ad avere simpatia e tenerezza per queste delicate creature mute, che parlano attraverso i loro occhi.
The first night that this doll has spent at my house, I sat her on the bedsidetable, beside me, and as always I had a feeling of great tenderness at the thought that she had finally found a safe place from which to continue to observe the world in her reassuring china silence.
I know many of you feel no particular liking for antique dolls: I, instead, I invite you now to look to her with different eyes, and think about how tired they provoke in us, the noise and bustle of modern life, where everyone speaks and no one has anything to say ...
Perhaps you too will begin to have sympathy and tenderness for these delicate creatures mute, speaking only through their eyes.
I know many of you feel no particular liking for antique dolls: I, instead, I invite you now to look to her with different eyes, and think about how tired they provoke in us, the noise and bustle of modern life, where everyone speaks and no one has anything to say ...
Perhaps you too will begin to have sympathy and tenderness for these delicate creatures mute, speaking only through their eyes.
Voi che ne dite?
Vi lascio per qualche giorno di vacanza, ma sarete sempre nel mio cuore :-)
Non dimenticate che al mio rientro annuncerò il vincitore del give away.
A presto, amici miei
I leave for a few days of holiday, but you will always be in my heart :-)
Do not forget that on my return I will announce the give away winner.
See you soon, my friends