Nonostante la mia latitanza, sono onorata di avere raggiunto e superato anche il traguardo dei 600 lettori...
Un ulteriore stimolo a continuare per questa strada, per sviluppare idee e progetti e condividerli con tutti voi.
Come avrete intuito, questa volta la sorte ha bussato alla porta di Terri. Fino al momento in cui non ho fatto il sorteggio del nome, non conoscevo il suo fantastico lavoro e il suo stupendo blog. A questo proposito vi invito ad esplorarlo: troverete tante deliziose idee, non esclusivamente in miniatura :-)
Per visitare il blog di Terri clicca qui.
Per il momento vi saluto. Nonostante l'arrivo della Primavera, mia figlia e sempre ammalata (in questi giorni tonsillite!), e io sto vivendo l'ennesimo frustrante periodo in cui c'è poco spazio per la creatività. Ma sono fiduciosa ed ottimista per il futuro :-)
Dear all, as usual I am touched by the affectionate participation with which you have subscribed to my give away :-)
Despite my inaction, I am honored to have reached and even surpassed the milestone of 600 followers ...
A further incentive to continue on this path, to develop ideas and projects and share them with you all.
As you may have guessed, this time the fate knocked on Terri's door. Until I did the draw for the name, I did not know her fantastic work and her wonderful blog. In this regard, I invite you to explore it: you will find many lovely ideas, not only in miniature :-)
To visit the blog of Terri click here.
For the moment, I greet you. Despite the arrival of spring, my daughter is always sick (tonsillitis in these days!), And I am going through yet another frustrating period in which there is little room for creativity. But I am confident and optimistic for the future :-)
Despite my inaction, I am honored to have reached and even surpassed the milestone of 600 followers ...
A further incentive to continue on this path, to develop ideas and projects and share them with you all.
As you may have guessed, this time the fate knocked on Terri's door. Until I did the draw for the name, I did not know her fantastic work and her wonderful blog. In this regard, I invite you to explore it: you will find many lovely ideas, not only in miniature :-)
To visit the blog of Terri click here.
For the moment, I greet you. Despite the arrival of spring, my daughter is always sick (tonsillitis in these days!), And I am going through yet another frustrating period in which there is little room for creativity. But I am confident and optimistic for the future :-)
Terri, welcome to La casa delle bambole di Flora :-)
Send me an email with your address, to receive the AGA of your dreams :-)
Send me an email with your address, to receive the AGA of your dreams :-)