sabato 22 febbraio 2014

Solo una sbirciatina / Just a peek

Linen towels by miniaturasmjose; pitcher by Pilar Alén

Mia zia mi ha lasciato il Robin's Nest Cottage perchè lo custodisca, insieme a tutto il suo contenuto.
In un vecchio armadio ho trovato, impilati con ordine, i bianchi asciugamani di lino a frange, e ho istantaneamente deciso che non ci sarebbe stato cotone stampato, in questo bagno!
E' imperativo che da una vasca da bagno con zampe di leone pendano asciugamani di lino a frange, non trovate?


My aunt gave me the Robin's Nest Cottage, because I guard it, along with all its contents.
In an old closet, I found stacked in order the white linen towels with fringes, and I instantly decided that there would not been printed cotton, in this bathroom!
It is imperative that from a bathtub with lion paws hang linen towels with fringes, is not it?

Have you all a nice weekend  :-)

24 commenti:

  1. Beautiful decision on choosing these towels, Flora! I love the peek into your dollhouse bathroom. It's very romantic and peaceful too. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog--you are so dear! xo Jennifer

  2. What a sweet peek! I would Love to have a bath in that tub...! The towels are Beautiful!

  3. The towels are gorgeous. I also would love a nice soak in that bath tub. :-) XXX

  4. The towels are perfect for such a pretty room, I love it!!

  5. Hi Flora! I love the fringe on the towels and also the way that you have draped them over the tub and next to it with that Splendid tin pitcher! This is such a dreamy and romantic glimpse into your Lovely little cottage!

  6. Dear Flora,
    new towels are cute! I really like your sweet cottage.
    Warm hugs

  7. Dear Flora, your bathroom is very female, romantic and so serene, it would be so peaceful to take a bath there :D! These towels are really beautiful, just as the pitcher is. It is painted so wonderful: you have created a beautiful scene!
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  8. I love the towels you have choosen to the bath. The peek is so cute too, Hugs.

  9. Las toallas le dan un bonito toque romántico

  10. Trovo....che hai perfettamente ragione......e' tutto bellissimo.....gran buon gusto....come sempre!!

  11. Thanks Flora for choosing our towels. All of your scenes are very charming. Hugs Mª José

  12. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  13. Trovo giustissimi e molto raffinati gli asciugamani sul bordo della vasca a memoria di quelli di fiandra ricamati dei nostri nonni...
    Un caro saluto. Manu

  14. Es un conjunto de toallas preciosas y la jarrita es fantástica.

  15. Es un conjunto de toallas preciosas y la jarrita es fantástica.

  16. The towels are perfect for the room and I really like the jug too.

  17. oh flora the towels are just lovely!


  18. Flora, your bathroom is very pretty, romantic and perfect. I love it
    groetjes Ingrid

  19. incredibile, sono solo la terza commentatrice italiana in questo post... mi sento quasi a disagio, ma sono contenta che ti leggano da mezzo mondo :)
    si, decisamente le frange ci stanno molto meglio di un comunissimo asciugamano stampato, ottima scelta!! ;)

  20. The bathroom looks beautiful and the tub is perfect. I love this peek into your cottage dear Flora xo

  21. Pienamente e meravigliosamente d'accordo!!!
