giovedì 20 ottobre 2011

Breve nota - Short note

Eccomi qui, quasi del tutto ristabilita, e con tante nuove idee per la testa.
Ma andiamo con ordine...
Io sono veramente commossa che, nonostante abbia molto trascurato il blog, tanti nuovi amici si sono aggiunti, al punto che il numero 500 è stato raggiunto e superato.
Grazie, anche perchè ogni nuovo amico, riserva nuove emozioni e sorprese :-)
Praticamente, dalla fine delle vacanze, estive non ho avuto un attimo di tempo per dedicarmi a finire di allestire il cottage shabby, e mostrare le tante novità e i favolosi doni che ho ricevuto durante questi mesi.
Mi sono già scusata personalmente con le persone interessate, ma qui annuncio ufficialmente che presto seguirà un super post sul cottage shabby :-)
Inoltre, naturalmente, sto preparando un give away, per ringraziare ancora e ancora tutti voi, per la gioia che mi date di non farmi sentire un' aliena in un mondo a volte, troppo grande per me...


Here I am, almost completely restored, and with so many new ideas in my head.
But first things first ...
I am really touched that, despite much neglected the blog, so many new friends were added to the point that the number 500 has been reached and surpassed.
Thank you, also because each new friend reserves new emotions and surprises :-)
Practically since the end of the summer holidays I have not had a moment of time to dedicate myself to finish setting up the shabby cottage, and show the many new and fabulous gifts I received during these months.
I have already apologized personally with the people concerned, but here I announce officially that soon followed by a super post about the shabby cottage :-)
In addition, of course, I am preparing a give away, to thank all of you again and again for the joy that you give me to feel not an alien in a world sometimes too big for me ...

31 commenti:

  1. A super-post AND a giveaway - I can't wait!!!!!

  2. Ciao Flora, come sono contenta di sentire che stai meglio! questa è una bella notizia.
    Resterò in attesa del tuo post e chissà che non riesca a scrivere anche il mio.Buonanotte e sogni d'oro, Rosanna

  3. I'm so happy that you are feeling better
    Flora, and that you can make(?) a giveaway. I can't wait for your new pictures.


  4. Flora, I am so happy to see even a tiny post and that you are feeling better. I look forward to seeing more of your shabby cottage. I love the picture of the bed! So sweet!!!

  5. I am so glad you are on the mend now, Flora! Congratulations on 500 followers! I can't wait to see your shabby cottage--fun!

  6. Glad you feeling better, Flora, and I'm sure you'll make us some nice surprises, as not, you are not alone in the world of miniature ... ;)
    Baci da Parigi. <3

  7. Glad to hear that you are better. Cant wait to see your pictures.
    Hugs Maria

  8. Dear Flora! We just love your blog and your nice comments that always shows such a corncern for others and a great sense of poetry too. But you should never let this beautiful hobby stress you, it´s not supposed to!
    Love, Susanne

  9. Flora, I am so glad you are feeling better! I have missed you posts and hope to see more soon. I love the bed! Catherine XXX

  10. Congratulations Flora, I'm very glad you feel better and have the courage to make new projects ... I send you a big hug and lots of encouragement!

  11. Most important of all is that you're feeling better... ;O)


  12. Felicitaciones por más de 500 seguidores, me alegro que estés mejor
    Un abrazo

  13. I'm so glad you're feeling better! It has been a bad year for many but miniatures will wait and are so much fun when we get back to them.

  14. ciao cara, sono contenta di sentire che stai meglio!!
    vedrai che piano piano ritrovi le forze...
    l'influenza è una brutta bestia, ti lascia sempre un pò scombussolato, ma spero di leggere presto novità e che quell'orsetto che ci saluta tristemente dal suo bel letto, si possa rialzare in piedi e regalarci ancora molti momenti di gioia!!
    un bacio, Caterina

    PS: non sei sola, siamo migliaia di "alieni" in tutta la blogosfera!!! :))

  15. Evviva!! E' così che ti voglio sentire, allegra e piena di progetti!
    Ed io aspetto il tuo giveaway con una curiosità enorme...
    Un bacio

  16. Yes! I am so excited to see what is new in the shabby cottage! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. =)

  17. Es importante sentir el cariño de los demas, y tu lo recibes a toneladas, me alegro de que te encuentres mejor
    Un beso grande, grande

  18. Felicitaciones por los seguidores, deseamos que sigas mejor. un saludo

  19. I'm so pleased to hear you are now feeling better and am looking forward to the "super post"!

  20. It's so good to know you are well again. I look forward for your posts.
    Best wishes and a hug, Drora

  21. Dear Flora, I can't wait to read your super post although I really hope that you can still make room in your shabby cottage for little old me :).

  22. I'm glad you are feeling better. Your photo is gorgeous, I love the teddy bear.

  23. Pues ya 505 seguidores Ö !!!
    Por favor siempre siéntete muy bien!!!
    Un abrazo

  24. I'm happy to hear that you are fine now. I can't wait to see your new minis.
    Hugs and kisses


  25. Flora,glad you feeling better. I'm very curious about your super post. The little Bear in bed,is lovely
    Mini hugs, Roelie

  26. It`s nice to hear you are better now.
    Looking forward to more post on your blog.
    Take care.

  27. Miniatures help us through, whether it's making and collecting or having friends through blogs, knowing we are not alone. I'm so pleased you are feeling much better. Gill x

  28. Flora, it is so nice to here about you!♥ Now I'm waiting for your Super-post.:)
    Hugs, piikko

  29. Hola Flora
    Lo primero, me alegro muchisimo de que te encuentres mejor, sigue cuidandote.
    Y despues enhorabuena por tus seguidores, te los mereces.
    besitos ascension

  30. I'm glad everything is standardized and you can go back to the blog. ;)
