Vorrei solo ringraziare tutti voi per le parole di conforto che avete scritto riguardo alla mia strana sensazione di malessere e malumore dello scorso pomeriggio: in realtà, si trattava del preludio di una bella influenza (non è forse questo il frutto di stagione più diffuso?!), che mi ha ridotto ad uno straccio, ma oggi và meglio.
Purtroppo la fonte è stata Elisa che ha contagiato tutta la famiglia, così mi sono dovuta prendere cura di tutti, con "simpatiche" veglie notturne...
Per scacciare un po di malumore, mi sono dedicata a questo divano, che mi piace così tanto...
Ora più che mai, vorrei farmi piccola e andare a rifugiarmi nel cottage: stare male con stile, è sempre meglio che stare male e basta :-)
... and who would expect to see pumpkins in this post, will be disappointed :-)
I just want to thank you all for your words of comfort that you wrote about my strange sense of malaise and discontent of the previous afternoon, but in reality it was the prelude to a good flu (is not this the most popular seasonal fruit?! ), which has reduced me to a rag, but today goes better.
Unfortunately the source was Elisa who has infected the whole family, so I had to take care of all, with "nice" nocturnal vigils ...
To drive away a bit of bad mood, I am dedicated to this sofa that I like soooo much ... Now more than ever, I would like to make me small, and go for refuge in the cottage: being sick with style, it's better than being sick and that's it :-)
I just want to thank you all for your words of comfort that you wrote about my strange sense of malaise and discontent of the previous afternoon, but in reality it was the prelude to a good flu (is not this the most popular seasonal fruit?! ), which has reduced me to a rag, but today goes better.
Unfortunately the source was Elisa who has infected the whole family, so I had to take care of all, with "nice" nocturnal vigils ...
To drive away a bit of bad mood, I am dedicated to this sofa that I like soooo much ... Now more than ever, I would like to make me small, and go for refuge in the cottage: being sick with style, it's better than being sick and that's it :-)